Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Beginner Blues Guitar Solo with Tab

Modern rock guitar wouldn't exist without the blues. So even if your into something a bit more modern that a standard 12 bar blues getting a fundamental grip on basic blues soloing will benefit you as a guitar player. Besides music at its core is about expressing emotion and everyone could learn a thing or two about that from some blues guitar greats. On this day in 1990 we lost one of the greatest guitarists ever Stevie Ray Vaughan. Stevie was a musical genius, one of those rare people that music seems to flow from their pores. I would recommend you check out his Live at the EL Mocambo DVD for a masterclass in guitar and sheer emotive playing.

To progress in your guitar playing though it is important to learn some basics. So today I've done a lesson on a 12 bar blues solo in the key of D. The guitar solo is based around the D Minor Pentatonic Scale in the first and second positions. After I play the guitar solo as written I improvise a bit over the progression a second time. If you don't know the first two shapes of the pentatonic scale learn those first before tackling this guitar solo. In the guitar tab as written I have not done any bends to makes this solo more accessible to a beginning guitarist. I've kept the phrasing pretty basic. Focus the first couple times through the solo on counting along with the video and note the rests in the 12 bar progression. If you have any questions you can message me on youtube or DM me on twitter @jimifan.