Here's a fun little jazzy guitar progression I've been messing around with.It incorporates lots of useful chord shapes. Note the Freddie Green Style comping on the eighth notes uses downstrokes and stacatto.
This is a great little guitar exercise to get your pinky finger strength more in line with your other fretting fingers. The exercise consists of 16th notes across several strings. You'll notice in the video that I don't strictly alternate pick. Rather I employ a technique known as economy picking. In this case when I switch strings I use an upstroke because I am moving up the neck vertically.
A little melodic lick that I thought sounded cool. Note that the first group of notes are muted. This creates a contrast with the remaning unmuted notes and gives the lick some more dymnamic range.
This is a funk guitar lick in B. The guitar is tuned down a half step. When you practice this try to keep your right hand moving in consistent 16th notes for the chord parts and just move it away from the strings during the rests.
This is a blues guitar turnaround in G. The lick starts with outlining the chords of the turnaround that occur beforee the G7 which are D7 then C7. Video has both regular tempo and a slower version.
Friday's lick is a blues turnaround in C. It's based on a symmetrical triplet pattern and uses chromatic notes along with the C Minor pentatonic scale. It resolves to a G9 chord but before that hits a G#9. In the video example the guitar is tuned down a half step.
Hoping to enjoy a lot of the world series so I thought I'd post another lick while I can. Go Red Sox!!
A chordal style lick in the style of Jimi Hendrix. For the real deal check out "Angel", "Little Wing" or "The Wind Cries Mary". The thumb over the neck technique can take awhile to get onto but I think it pays of for the extended reach and chord voicing options. If your new to this technique start slow and stop if you feel pain.
A little pentatonic lick for you. Didn't have time to slow this down but if anyone is having a hard time leave a comment and I'll post a slower version. Please note I'm tuned down a half step.
This lick sounds cool and also makes a great exercise. The note obscured by the arrow in the tab is a g at the 15th fret E string you could also tell of course by the standard notation. In the video the example is played slow first than faster. Kinda reminds me of an Iron Maiden lick which is cool in my book.
An alternate picking guitar lick. Each section starts on an upstroke. You can try varying this lick depending on the context. In my mind I feel it can work over a jazzy sort of song or a modern country/rock piece. Try changing the speeds at which you play the lick and alter the phrasing you use on the guitar to try and get a different feeling out of the same notes.
This lick uses triad shapes in different inversions up the neck. The chords are Cmin, E, B, F# and Cmin (in another position). It's a bit tricky to play clean and you'll notice I struggle to keep down the extraneous noise in the video. But hey I just made this up a minute ago so cut me some slack. Ok so check out Friday's Riff a day early. Cheers.
A vocal sounding melodic instrumental guitar lick today. Pay attention to the phrasing and dynamics. Experiment with changing the tempo and techniques. Practice with and without sliding, vary the vibrato and palm muting and see how it changes the character of the lick. This lick is tuned down a half step if you want to play along. Cheers.
A laid back guitar lick today. This lick uses some delay and a repeating G pedal point. The lick is slow to allow the delay effect on the guitar to create an atmospheric quality.
Tomorrows lick today for anyone interested. This is a metal guitar lick that focuses on a slower feel with vibrato and lets the individual notes sound. Kind of in the vein of Black Sabbath or Zakk Wylde although not as cool. Quite frankly if I could write licks or riffs like Zakk and Sabbath I'd be touring. But in the context of giving a beginner/intermediate guitar player a lick of the day I think its still pretty cool and I hope you do too.
This is a basic rock guitar progression that demonstrates that sometimes the simplest open chords and licks can sound good over a progression. It is a slow rock progression G/Emin/D C with some basic open chords and afew licks. The G major and E Minor chords are both played at the open position. The C and D chords and licks are played using the "A barre" shape.
A melodic rock guitar lick over an Emin D C G chord progression. This is a great guitar lick to work on your bending as it includes lots of full and half step bends. The video is played first at full speed then at a slower speed with guitar alone to help you see how it is played.
Natural harmonics for guitar are achieved when the string is plucked while the fretting hand is directly over the fret. It requires a light touch and once sounded the fretting hand is quickly drawn away from the string and this produces a bell like chime sound. The best frets for playing natural harmonics due to the subdivision of the octave are the 5th, 7th and 12 frets. Although with distortion and practice harmonics can be sounded along most of the fingerboard and even beyond the length of the fingerboard and over the pickups themselves.
Here's a little guitar lick using a delay setting to add some rhythmic interest. If you have a delay effect try altering the settings and see what sounds you can come up with. Additionally try altering the guitar rhythm and see what effect that has on where the delay occurs in the wet signal.
This guitar lick uses a repeating muted D as a pedal point. The lick is played with downstrokes and hammer ons. Note the guitar in the video is tuned down a half step if you want to play along.
Dissonance in music is useful because it creates tension. Like all musical tools is should be used sparringly. This lick achieves its dissonance by being played a half step down from the tonal center in G. Because my guitar is tuned down a half step I just played the lick using the regular chord shapes for G.
This is a clean guitar lick. Notice the picking pattern. The last three notes of each sequence are played with an upstroke. Let the open D on the fourth string sound throughout. This would also sound really nice on an acoustic guitar.
Today were gonna take a look at afew licks form the intro of a song I'm writing called "skyline" It's a fingerstyle solo guitar piece in a lowered tuning from the low E to high E its C G C F A A (all the notes are lowered in pitch not raised). The tab will be posted tomorrow. I'll break down a couple of the licks. and post them all here. Cheers.
Here's a basic country guitar lick. This makes for a great little lesson in bending and holding a note. Here the A note on the G string is bent upto B and at the same time the D note on the B string is held. The bend is held while the D note is struck again then released to its original tone and finally pulled off to the open G note.
A short blues guitar lick a la the late great Albert King. This is a simple example please check out Albert's or Stevie Ray Vaughan's playing to hear how it should really be played.
A 12 bar blues based on a repeating guitar riff played to correspond with the chord changes. The tab demonstrates the shape as played over the G chord. Note - tuned down 1/2 step.
A country guitar riff. Try altering the speeds at which you play the riff for different effects. Let the notes ring together or try playing them stacatto and you'll get completely different feeling out of the same notes.
Ok this is a pretty basic explanation. I thought it would be cool to post a new guitar lick everyday with a tab kind of a mini guitar lesson of the day. So that's the idea I'll have the first one up later today and go from there. I don't plan on providing a detailed explanation but if anyone wants clarification on the licks just leave a comment. Cheers.